不学道,不足以处世!不学道,不足以经商!不学道,不足以为官!道,就是道路、方向、事物的进程,就是一切事物存在的基础。《道德经》之所以伟大,在于其生命力千年不衰,其精神超越了时空的界限。这本《每天读点道德经》,行文通俗易懂,能够帮助大家更好地理解《道德经》中的智慧真谛,让你觉得"道"不再遥远,扇迪我们用老子的思想去思考,用老子的智慧去做事。(Without Tao, you are not able to conduct yourself in society, engage in business deals or secure an official position. Tao means the road, the direction and the course of things which is the basis of existence of everything. It is the enduring vitality for more than a thousand years and the spirit beyond constraints of time and space that make Tao Te Ching great. Read A Bit of Tao Te Ching Every Day employs popular and easy-to-understand language to help readers digest the wisdom and truth in Tao Te Ching and make Tao not strange to readers any more, thus inspiring them to think and act in the way of Lao Tzu (author of Tao Te Ching). )
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