在新中国成立60周年、中国传媒大学校庆55周年之际,《现代传播——中国传媒大学学报》也迎来了30周年刊庆。《现代传播——中国传媒大学学报》创刊于1979年,迄今走过了整整30年的历程。作为国内创刊最早的广播电视学术期刊之一,30年来我们向广大读者奉献了160多期刊物,5000余篇论文,发行总量50万余册,为中国广播电视学术与事业的发展做出了自己的贡献。(On the 60th anniversary of the new China and the 55th anniversary of Communication University of China, "Modern Communication—Journal of Communication University of China" ushered in its 30th anniversary. It was created in 1979. So far, it has experienced as many as 30 years. As one of the pioneer academic periodicals in radio and television, we offered over 160 periodicals and over 5,000 papers to a great number of readers during the 30 years. The total circulation was over 500,000, which made a great contribution to the academic and career development of Chinese radio and television.)
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