1920年代上半叶,海明威以驻欧记者身份旅居巴黎,《流动的盛宴》这本书,记录的正是作者当日的这段生活。不过这本书的写作却是在将近四十年以后,换句话说,盛宴的"现场"早已消失,作者和读者都只是在记忆中追寻那段过往岁月,而无论是作者或是读者,这些记忆都已在时光的透镜里失焦、变形。所有有关巴黎的记忆都杂糅成一种对于巴黎的共同的历史记忆。在历史上不计其数的关于巴黎的虚构或非虚构作品中,《流动的盛宴》是最著名的作品之一,其扉页上的题献——"假如你有幸年轻时在巴黎生活过,那么你此后一生中不论去到哪里她都与你同在,因为巴黎是一席流动的盛宴",已经成为巴黎的"文化名片",被广为传诵。在这部半纪实半虚构的作品中,二十年代巴黎文人圈的风俗画卷徐徐展开,那些当时在世界文坛、艺坛上呼风唤雨的人物都被寥寥数笔勾勒出生动的素描像,与这座城市、这部书永远融为一体。(In the first half of the 1920s, Hemingway lives in Paris in the European press status. Mobile Feast recorded this period of life. But this book was written in nearly forty years later, in other words, the feast of the "site" has already disappeared and both the author and the reader was in the memory for the period of the past years. Regardless of the author or reader, these memories are out of focus and deformation at the time of the lens. All the memories are mixed into Paris for a common historical memory of Paris. Mobile Feast is one of the most famous works of fiction or non fiction in Paris. The title page of the dedication: "if you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then the rest of your life no matter where she will stay with you, for Paris is a mobile feast". It has been the "cultural name card" of Paris and was widely read. In this semi documentary semi fictional works, the picture of 20s Paris literary circle unfolds and those famous figures have been shaped with vivid image that combine with the book and the city forever.)
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