爱默生的著作大多用散文写成,而其中的大部又是由演讲加工而成。他的作品不追求华丽的辞藻,语言洗练,取喻生动,说理透彻,犹如密西西比河水滚滚而来,有一发而不可收的磅礴气势,形成影响深远的"爱默生式风格"。《爱默生随笔》的选篇遍及《演说词》、《随笔集》、《代表人物》和《英国特色》诸文集,虽非全集,却也搜罗泰半,选目既广且精,译文又审慎讲究,实在称得上一个既全面又精到的选本。(Most of Emerson's work was written in prose, and most of them were made by lecture. His works do not pursue gorgeous rhetoric, with a sophisticated language, implied meaning is taken vividly, reasoning is made thoroughly, like the Mississippi River water rolling in with an irresistible majestic momentum, formed a far-reaching "Emerson style". Emerson Essays selected articles throughout anthologies such as Speech, Essays, Representative Figure and British Characteristics, though not the complete set of them, but collected more than half of them, selection is both broad and refined, translation is prudent and exquisite, which indeed can be called a comprehensive and subtle anthology.)
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