《白夜》系19世纪俄国大文豪陀思妥耶夫斯基的中篇小说集,选收名篇《穷人》、《白夜》、《赌徒》。《白夜》描写天真无邪的姑娘娜斯简卡爱上一个年轻的房客,两人约定一年后在彼得堡的一座桥上相会,但届时房客没露面。主人公"幻想家"被姑娘的深情深深打动,接连四个晚上陪伴她在河边等候,直到房客出现。(White Night is the medium-length novel written by Russian writer Dostoevsky in the 19th century and covers the famous novels such as Poor Folk, White Night and The Gambler. Here, White Night describes a childish girl Nasijianka who falling in love with a young tenant and agreed to meet on the bridge in Petersburg one year later. However, the tenant did not show up on time. The protagonist "the illusionist" was deeply impressed by the girl's affection and accompanied her to wait along the river for four nights until the tenant showed.)
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