费奥多尔•米哈伊洛维奇•陀思妥耶夫斯基(1821—1881)不但是十九世纪群星璀璨的俄罗斯文坛上最伟大的小说大师之一,也是全世界范围内有史以来最复杂、最矛盾、最伟大的小说巨匠之一。他以其卷帙浩繁的创作,在对于人类复杂的甚至分裂的人性以及心理乃至变态精神的深刻描绘和深度开掘上独树一帜、无人能出其右;如果说托尔斯泰代表了俄罗斯文学的广度,陀思妥耶夫斯基则代表了俄罗斯文学的深度。上海译文出版社布面精装本"陀思妥耶夫斯基文集"收入陀氏《被伤害与侮辱的人们》、《死屋手记》、《罪与罚》、《白痴》、《鬼》、《少年》和《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》全部七部长篇小说以及中短篇小说集《白夜》,共八种九卷,基本囊括了陀氏一生创作的所有最重要的文学作品。《白夜》系19世纪俄国大文豪陀思妥耶夫斯基的中篇小说集,选收名篇《穷人》、《白夜》、《赌徒》。《白夜》描写天真无邪的姑娘娜斯简卡爱上一个年轻的房客,两人约定一年后在彼得堡的一座桥上相会,但届时房客没露面。主人公"幻想家"被姑娘的深情深深打动,接连四个晚上陪伴她在河边等候,直到房客出现。(Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (1821—1881) is not only one of the novel masters of Russian literature circle in the nineteenth Century, but also one of the most complicated, most contradictive and greatest novel masters in the world's history. He develops a school of his own with numerous works and his profound description and deep exploration of complicated and even split human nature and mentality and even phrenopathy and no one can surpass him in this field; if Tolstoy represents the breadth of Russian literature, Dostoevsky represents the depth of Russian literature. The cloth-bound hard-cover edition of Collected Works of Dostoevsky published by Shanghai Translation Publishing House collects seven full-length novels of the Humiliated and Insulted, The House of the Dead, Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, Demons, The Adolescent and The Brothers Karamazov and White Nights, a collection of novelettes and short stories. There are eight categories and nine volumes. It basically covers all the most important literary works of Dostoevsky. White Nights is a collection of novelettes and short stories of Dostoevsky, a great Russian writer in the nineteenth Century. It selects and collects the famous works of The Poor, White Nights and The Gambler. White Nights describes an innocent girl called Nastenka fell in love with a young tenant. The two agreed to meet on a bridge in Saint Petersburg a year later. However, the tenants didn't show up then. The protagonist, "Dreamer", was deeply moved by the girl's deep love and accompanied her by the river for four successive nights till the tenants showed up.)
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