书中的小主人公叫玛丽。玛丽出生在印度,是个相貌平庸、脾气倔犟、人见人厌的姑娘,她对什么都没兴趣,对一切都看不顺眼。一场瘟疫夺去了她父母的生命,她成了古尔,被送回英国,来到英格兰约克郡米塞尔斯维特庄园,由姑父克拉文先生抚养。在姑父的秘密花园里,玛丽碰到了许多新奇的事物,她的命运也由此悄然发生了巨大转变。《秘密花园》成为当时最受关注和最为畅销的儿童文学作品,人们一直在再版这本书,全世界的大人和小孩都热爱《秘密花园》。(The little hero in the book is Marie. Marie was born in India and is a plain, very stubborn, everyone tired of girl. She is not interested in everything and all things are not pleasing in her eyes. A plague killed her parents and she was an orphan who was sent back to England to England Yorkshire Sayles Witt Manor. Her uncle would take care of her. In the uncle's secret garden, she found many new thin and her fate was changed slowly. Secret Garden became the most popular children's literature and people have been in the second edition of this book. All the children and adults love Secret Garden.)
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