Isa Moskowitz learned to cook from cookbooks, recipe by recipe. And after a few decades of writing her own cookbooks, she knows what the people want: easy-to-follow instructions and accessible ingredients.
I Can Cook Vegan is for cooks of all stripes:
Each chapter is a building block to becoming a better, more competent cook. The book teaches readers to cook the way someone might learn a new instrument: master a couple of chords, and then start to put them together to form songs.
Each chapter starts with a fresh mission, and readers will cook their way through pastas, salads, sandwiches, bowls, sautés, sheet-pan suppers, and sweets—more than 125 recipes!—until they are ultimately the Best Cook Imaginable.
"The recipes in here are simple and streamlined. Perfect for those days when you just want something plain, simple, and still satisfying. Perfect when you want a recipe that you know is going to turn out first time." —Coastal Vegans