"The Language Lizard Idiom books are ... a teacher's dream come true!... #1 pick for teachers everywhere. ... readers will have a whale of a time discovering new phrases and expressions, while turning pages with laughter and joy." - Tara Brown, ESL, English & Spanish teacher
What does it mean to put down roots?
Why would you be under the weather?
Idioms can be confusing, but they help you to understand English and are a lot of fun to learn!
With clever multicultural illustrations, idiom meanings, and example sentences, Fresh as a Daisy explains common nature idioms in a way that makes them easy to understand. It's a perfect book to teach students in culturally and linguistically diverse classrooms.
Fresh as a Daisy includes bonus material to support English language learners and promote culturally responsive teaching, such as links to:
Fresh as a Daisy is a great resource to build language skills while having fun!
Un modismo es una frase que dice una cosa pero significa otra. Un modismo puede ser una forma rápida de decir algo complicado. Saber modismos te ayuda a entender y hablar inglés con fluidez. Este libro contiene modismos sobre naturaleza.
Other books in the Language Lizard Idiom Book Series (available in English and bilingual editions):
Icing on the Cake - English Food Idioms, Glaseado Sobre El Pastel - Modismos con Alimentos en Inglés
The Lion's Share - English Animal Idioms, La Parte Del León - Modismos con Animales en Inglés
With Flying Colors - English Color Idioms, Con Colores Volantes - Modismos con Colores en Inglés