这是一套供儿童学习钢琴使用的起步教程,与传统教材或国外引进版教材相比,它具有以下不同特点。一、激发孩子的学习兴趣:首先,在曲目选择上,本教程几乎全部采用中外经典儿歌和乐曲,全书采用彩色印刷,配有大量生动有趣、与乐曲内容相关的插画,这样做既符合孩子的学习特点,也能形象地传达曲子的内容、风格、情绪,使孩子的弹奏更富有音乐性。二、寓技术于动听乐曲之中:本教程按照技术点由易到难的顺序进行安排,坚持“寓技术于动听乐曲之中”的编写理念,杜绝技术与曲目结合上的生搬硬套和枯燥乏味,所用曲目均根据教学内容的需要,从数以千计孩子们耳熟能详的作品中精选而出,其目的就是要让孩子在快乐的弹奏中,自然而然、积极主动、(This is a primary course used for children to learn piano. Compared with conventional textbook or textbook introduced from foreign country, it has the distinctive characteristics as follows: the first one: stimulate children’s learning interest: firstly, in compositions selection, this course nearly all adopts Chinese and foreign classic children's song music. The whole book is printed with color and provided with massive, vivid and interesting illustrations related to compositions, which not only conforms to children’s learning characteristics, but also vividly deliver content, style and emotion of composition, making children’s performance more musical. The second one is to include...
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