费·米·陀思妥耶夫斯基一生坎坷。他在青年时 代因参加彼得拉舍夫斯基小组的活动而受到沙皇政府的迫害,经受了假死刑 的折磨,在西 伯利亚度过了四年监狱和四年兵营生活;回到圣彼得 堡以后,和他哥哥一起先后出版《时报》和《时代》杂志,最后因 难以支撑而停办; 他哥哥去世后,陀思妥耶夫斯基承担了他的大量债务 ,经常受到债权人的催逼,因而不得不避居国外。他的个人生活也 充满不幸和痛 苦;父母早亡,本人患有癫痫症;他的第一个妻子伊 萨耶娃和他对苏斯洛娃的爱情没有给他带来欢乐,只是与斯尼特金 娜结婚以后, 陀思妥耶夫斯基才有幸福的家庭生活。《人不单靠面包活着(陀思妥耶夫斯基书信选)》中的书信提供 了有关这些方面的生动材料。此外,这本《人不单靠面包活着(陀思妥耶夫斯基书信选)》还收入了一些 反 映作家对轮盘赌的迷恋,对预感(梦)的迷信的信件 ,因为它们不仅反映出作家个性的某些方面,而且与他的创作,与他 在刻画人物心 理时流露出来的神秘主义也不无关系。 (Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky led a life full of ups and downs. He was arrested for his involvement in the Petrashevsky Circle and condemned to death. But at the last moment, a note from Tsar Nicholas I was delivered to the scene of the firing squad, commuting the sentence to ten years' hard labor in Siberia. After back to St Petersburg, he worked with his elder brother to publish The Times Paper and Times Magazine, which are suspended due to insufficient funds. After his brother died, Dostoyevsky shouldered his major debt and were pressed for payments of debt. He had to move abroad. His personal life was also full of misery and pain. His parents died early and he suffered from epilepsy. His first wife and his love with Seuss did not make him happy until he married his second wife. Man does not live by bread alone-Dostoevsky's letters selection provided materials in these aspects. In addition, this book inflected the obsession of some writers to roulette. And his letters to prediction (dream) shows part of his personality and as well is connected with the mysticism revealed in his portraying characters. )
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