The crew felt a new wind. The bitter cold added to the bite of a ship that had never, ever gone this fast. Sharp eyes stayed fixed on the dim horizon. There was no time for caution, though they knew dangerous ice lay ahead. The tiny vessel Carpathia raced into the same ice field that had just claimed Titanic.
Young Henry Cromwell dreams of becoming a reporter. Armed with a homemade radio, he spent the first three days of Carpathia's voyage secretly listening in on the North Atlantic's radio traffic-eagerly jotting down notes and being a general bother to the crew. But nothing prepared him for what he would hear at 12:30 am.
In the bitter cold air and moonless night, every crew member is awake. While the passengers slept, the Carpathia came alive, ready to take on Titanic's passengers... if they make it in time.
The Carpathia's mad race to rescue Titanic.