《学林散叶》序一,落差千寻,必呈飞瀑,宁惟景观之壮丽,实能源源所孕蕴也。尚论近世中国,若戊戌之震,五四之喷,亦人世之飞瀑也。百年之间,人才横空,简策盖地。得此雷霆万钧之力,遂以推出新社会新文化之今天。大凡求拊近代人文之盛脉搏者,未有不图临观于此历史上的激流飞珠,以揽幽探胜。盛君巽昌与朱女士守芬乃操精之笔,挥剪影之技,削其片玉,概彼全局,语妙连珠,价等连城。《学林散叶》一帙既成,临川王《世说新语》无以专美于前矣。有纂近世史传世,信将有取乎兹,亦如贞观修《晋书》时采矿于《世说》之成例也。(Preface I; there must be plunging waterfalls in the place with huge drop height. The splendid view is bred and embodied in the energy source. In modern China, the great events of Hundred Days Reform and the May 4th Movement are just like the plunging waterfalls in the world. During the past hundred years talents have come out with bamboo slips all around. The irresistible force power has generated this day of new society and new culture. Anyone in pursuit of the pulse of modern humanity prosperity is trying to observe the torrent fly beads of history for further exploration of deep and scenic spots.^pMr. Sheng Xunchang and Ms. Zhu Shoufen have compiled the book with their fine style of writing and trimming skill to summarize the overall situation, full of priceless witty and wisdom. The completion of Scatter Leaves in Academic Forest has stolen thunder from A New Account of the Tales of the World by the king of Linchuan. Much information of The modern history handed down from ancient times can be proved taken from the book, just like Zhenguan took the existing examples from A New Account of the Tales of the World while compiling Book of Jin. )
《学林散叶》序一,落差千寻,必呈飞瀑,宁惟景观之壮丽,实能源源所孕蕴也。尚论近世中国,若戊戌之震,五四之喷,亦人世之飞瀑也。百年之间,人才横空,简策盖地。得此雷霆万钧之力,遂以推出新社会新文化之今天。大凡求拊近代人文之盛脉搏者,未有不图临观于此历史上的激流飞珠,以揽幽探胜。盛君巽昌与朱女士守芬乃操精之笔,挥剪影之技,削其片玉,概彼全局,语妙连珠,价等连城。《学林散叶》一帙既成,临川王《世说新语》无以专美于前矣。有纂近世史传世,信将有取乎兹,亦如贞观修《晋书》时采矿于《世说》之成例也。(Preface I; there must be plunging waterfalls in the place with huge drop height. The splendid view is bred and embodied in the energy source. In modern China, the great events of Hundred Days Reform and the May 4th Movement are just like the plunging waterfalls in the world. During the past hundred years talents have come out with bamboo slips all around. The irresistible force power has generated this day of new society and new culture. Anyone in pursuit of the pulse of modern humanity prosperity is trying to observe the torrent fly beads of history for further exploration of deep and scenic spots.^pMr. Sheng Xunchang and Ms. Zhu Shoufen have compiled the book with their fine style of writing and trimming skill to summarize the overall situation, full of priceless witty and wisdom. The completion of Scatter Leaves in Academic Forest has stolen thunder from A New Account of the Tales of the World by the king of Linchuan. Much information of The modern history handed down from ancient times can be proved taken from the book, just like Zhenguan took the existing examples from A New Account of the Tales of the World while compiling Book of Jin. )