格伦·艾兰比尔有个秘密,这个秘密令他痛苦不堪。他的新婚妻子被一个神秘难测的魔鬼缠身,他的父亲正在一步步走向死亡,而精灵族的命运之重担也压在了他的肩上。他只想躲在森林里,温馨地依偎在自己妻子的双臂间,生养一群孩子。然而这个想要温馨单纯生活的小小愿望也分分钟溜走了。如果想得到和妻子一同过更长生活的机会,他就不得不面对那迎面压来的巨大困难。然而和他可爱妻子的命运相比,他自己的命运要实在不足道。哪怕他只能找到一种方法可以让妻子安全,他身上的担子也都不会这么沉重了。他步伐沉重地走上面前的路,寻觅一个方法,可以令他摆脱深藏心底的秘密。他愿意放弃所拥有的一切,只为了能够和妻子一同慢慢变老,只为了可以看到妻子伤痕累累的面孔长出皱纹。但是威胁与攻击变得越来越频繁,令人不安。如果他们今天可以获救,也许还能够有明天。Glenn Elambil has a secret and it’s tearing him apart. His new wife is hunted by unfathomable evil, his father is dying, and the weight of the lives of the elven race hangs heavy on his shoulders. All he wants is to hide in the forest, warm and snuggled in the arms of his woman, and raise a family of little Elambils. That tiny dream of warmth and innocence is slipping further away by the minute. If he has any chance of a long life with his woman, he has to face the overwhelming obstacles head-on. The fate of his world is a distant priority compared to that of his lovely wife. If he could only find a way to keep her safe, the burden wouldn’t be so heavy. With dragging steps he walks the path set before him, seeking always to rid himself of the secret he keeps locked in his heart. He would give anything to grow old with her, to see her scarred face wrinkle, but threats and attacks are growing disturbingly commonplace. If they can survive today, perhaps there can be a tomorrow.
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